brought mocha to the dog show today! the poor boy suffered joseph yeo's insults the whole afternoon because mocha looks like a pudgy, extra large and curlier fur version of the nice typical yorkshire terriers.
i also brought mocha to school to watch the boys play soccer against law society and he had a great time! he went mad running around the field chasing birds and imaginary cats! imaginary because he kept dashing towards the wall but when he reached the wall, he had this confused look on his face. and the next thing i know, he's turning around and running off like a mad dog. go figure.
and in other news, i bought this toy hp for the dogs to play with and it is utterly adorable. when you grab the hp, it will start ringing! and of course, it drove mini mad when i brought it home for her to play with. and the toy lasted a grand total of ten minutes before the sound device in the toy broke. way to go mini.
and finally, mini is actually jealous of mocha because i didn't bring her out. in my defence, she's not a very sociable dog. she's afraid of large crowds and don't like to meet new dogs! but anyway, she kept attacking mocha when we came back! just 5 mins ago, she started barking outside my room. so when i open the door, she just stared at mocha. it was doggie face-off. the next thing i knew she FLEW and attacked mocha. i had to grab hold of mocha and lift him up in the air. and while trying to attack mini himself, mocha happily bit my chin when i pulled him away.
stupid.dogs. bah.
ok end of news.