within the past week, i found out that i have babies with joe and that i'm engaged!
wow. since when man.
anyway yesterday, i was damn suay (and lucky). in both my classes, i was called upon and both times i was caught off guard!! the first time, i actually did my readings and could answer the question. unfortunately i missed the question and longjin saw my super lost face and quickly answered for me. the second time in the next class, i did not do my readings and my heart sank when he called upon me. but BEFORE i could even put up my hand to respond, this lady sitting in front volunteered to answer! DAMN HENG i tell you. i need to buy 4D. but i think i missed today's draw. damn. maybe it's meant to come out tmr. hur.
ok back to doing my readings for tmr cos i don't think i'll be that lucky again!