anyhow my parents also decided that my birthday ain't as important anymore and refused to have a dinner with my on the actual day. they claimed that they could not tell my relatives not to come to our place (as they usually do every sunday) because it was not nice to not invite them along for my birthday dinner. i would like to think that they actually rather play mahjong. like whatever. i immediately decided to have dinner with my dear friends instead. and as if they weren't horrible enough, as i drove into the vivocity carpark (like literally just crossing the carpark entry barrier) my dad called me:
dad: "where are you?"
me: "vivocity. why?"
dad: "can you come home and walk the dogs? it's raining. (we need to walk the dogs at sheltered areas when it rains you see) your mother cannot drive the van and i'm playing mahjong." (like seriously WTF?!)
me: "but i just reached vivo! you want me to drive back just to walk them and then drive back?!"
dad: "yea."
me: "...."
and so i had to drive back. after all it was his car and he was the one paying for petrol. like seriously, who said you get special treatment on your birthday? -.-"
anyway dinner was great i.e. food was awesome and company even better! i definitely want to go back there again soon!
thanks for being there guys! :) till FRIDAY!!!