Saturday, February 28, 2009

how many chickens are there in the world?

*warning. an extremely random post.*

it all started when i asked joe what he had for dinner last night. he replied that he had duck rice and an egg. it got me thinking. why don't people eat duck eggs. i mean.. it's duck rice right. it's so unfair to the chickens that their eggs are used for both chicken and duck rice (not to mention many other dishes that have eggs in them. think eggs, pratas, omelettes etc. ok i'm digressing.)

so i became a little concerned over the chicken population and asked joe how many chickens are there in the world? joe was convinced that there are more chickens than humans. but i didn't believe him. so i got him to google.

according to yahoo answers:

"There are 45 thousand chickens per person.. so that makes around 2902500000000000 chickens in the world..."

wow. if there are so many chickens, why are there people starving in africa? if we just give half of the 45 thousand chickens per person to africa, i'm sure they wouldn't be hungry anymore! but then again, joe pointed out that at this point in time, i probably can't afford to give africa 20,000+ chickens even if they were $1 each. hehs.

and according to wikianswers (in answer to the question "what is the current 2008 global chicken population"):

"the population is currently 0, because they are extinct buddy"

and you thought wiki was reliable.

well i guess the most realistic answer probably comes from (which i've never heard of btw.):

" Chickens are the world's most populous birds. With a population of over 8 billion, there are more chickens than humans on Earth! Indeed, if we were to divide the entire chicken population equally among humans, each human being would get about 1.25 chickens."

there we have it! there are over 8 billion chickens.

just thought u guys might be interested.
