if it is not the handle that's giving way, it will be the clasp that is broken.
so last night.. i dug out all my old gym bags to see which one i could still use.. i finally settled on this brown one that i used to like carrying a couple of years ago.. afterall.. it looked the most intact among all of them (since the other one was peeling slightly)..
so i left my house this morning with my nice old intact gym bag.. but as i walked to the mrt station.. i was horrified to see that the skin of the bag was starting to peel.. :| but hey.. it's just peeling right..
as the day passed.. it went from peeling.. to shedding.. just placing my bag on a chair can leave little flaks on it! as i carried it.. my shoulders will have lotsa lil white flaks and i looked like i had dandruff! :|
i was so paiseh cos i was quite a sight.. not to mention terribly pissed cos i had to go around town with it.. i called everyone who would listen to me to complain lah.. i even contemplated buying a new bag immediately if not for the fact that i was late for class and terribly broke..
just look at the state of my bag..
it doesn't look that bad here..
just look at the back!
if you're still not convinced..
just check this out.. :S
but guess what..
when i reached home.. i found THIS ON MY BED!
apparently.. my sis (who was one of the people that i called to complain to..) managed to convince my dad to buy me a new bag since i had no more gym bags! :D lotsa love there..
ok i know what you guys will be thinking.. "you're dad is so nice to u what! still whole day complain about him.." but see guys.. that's the thing.. he's erratic.. he can extremely insanely nice one min... and become completely unreasonable in the next..
but who cares.. i've a new bag now! and i got my pocket money! so i'm temporarily out of poverty!
what a great start to the (chinese) new year!
oh! and what about my old bag with eczema?
right where it belongs.. :)