anyhow cny wasn't very eventful.. i have lesser relatives to visit each year (partly cos i don't have that many to begin with and partly because they are well.. dying..) and i hate how everything isn't open cos it means that i have nowhere to go but home and grandma's home.. thank god Toast Box at AMK Hub was open because i was in dire need of a coffee fix and for somewhere to go other than home and gramp's home.. :|
as usual, here are the photos!
here's a hilarious pic of my grandpa during reunion dinner.. the evening sun was shining on him and this was what he came up with.. :D
first day!
the doggies all dressed up!
yvonne and mocha!
my mama with mocha!
me with mini!
family photo!
she's the queen of the car!
the king is relaxing at the back.. heh!
yes we were that bored to take THAT many photos of the dogs..
me sista..
and again..
my funky blue stockings.. it will be the first and the last time i'm wearing it.. doubt i will have the guts to wear it out again.. LOL..
my favourite photo of the month!
grandma and mama at work in the kitchen!
pete came along!
my cousin and my two aunts!
anyway we brought mini and mocha along for visiting.. (yup even to my granduncle's house! and mind you we only go to his place once a year.. lol!) and while at their place.. mini decides that she's the guardian of all homes..
keeping watch over our shoes!
ever so vigilant..
ok! that's about it! just one last photo!
met up with elaine in town and she told me to post it cos she looks nice! :)
haha.. ok guess it's back to family law now!