Saturday, February 23, 2008

the first week

it's been almost a week since joe has left.. and i would to thank all my friends who were there for me and worried for me.. thanks for being there and checking on me! don't worry! i'm fine! it helps a lot that i now know i can go hong kong and shanghai with him (albeit with my mum but it's better than not being able to go right..)! it's just quite a bummer that china blocked blogspot.. -.-"

anyhow, i've been keeping myself pretty busy this week! ok.. so i wasn't that busy but i've been keeping up with my readings and visiting my grandma at the hospital! i even had time to go to, in jasmin's words, a porn exhibition, (i.e. the Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre) at the National Museum! haha.. it was a very interesting exhibition and i guess the most interesting part was jasmin and wenzhao discussing why the balls of the greek gods were so small.. LOL!

anyway thursday was the εˆεδΊ” of CNY! hence my family had a little reunion dinner with my cousins! my little niece came along and i tell you she's the most adorable thing in this world.. she has this love-hate relationship with my dogs.. when mini barks at her.. she's be sooooo terrified but when we lock mini up.. she will keep asking us where's mini and what she is doing.. :D

our conversations will go along the lines of:

"kelly yiyi, promise to wait for me while i change my pampers?"

and while at the balcony in my room looking at the stars,

"kelly yiyi, do you like the moon or the star? (to which i reply the moon.. and she continues.." i like star shape and heart shape!" (speechless..)

oh and it's a mistake to give a three year old kid ur camera to play with.. cos that's what i did and she almost didn't want to give me back my camera! :S

an artistic shot of me..

an even more artistic shot of mocha..

oh my.. she's talented..

at least i do a slightly better job of taking photos.. haha!

longjin! you must intro ur nephew to my niece hor! either one would do! although i prefer the older one! :D

anyhow i think i'm getting used to the fact that joe's not around.. it's like being single again.. maybe.. just maybe.. i might forget that i've a boyfriend soon.. LOL! this esp so since joe can't read my blog!

just kidding! (i can imagine jon frowning very hard at me now.. hehs!)

ok off to watch soccer now!

till another time!