Friday, October 26, 2007


becky and carrie somehow managed to blackmail, guilt-trip or threaten joe into buying cupcakes from them.. apparently, they waylaid joe outside the lift and convinced him to get these pretty cupcakes! :D

yes.. i've been practising on my shitty photography skills..

these cupcakes actually taste pretty good too! (gosh.. can i sound any more bimbotic.. :|)

anyway.. the past week has been spent on studying in school..

(or should i say attempting to study?)

i must say you can't keep a girl (and her closet photo whore of a bf) away from her camera.. this is especially so when it taunts her every time she opens her laptop! :D

check out my school's resident giant spider..

we actually saw it eating two flies from its ginormous web!

ok.. this has got to be the most random post ever..

to top it off:

continue (check out the change in nick!):


i've realised the wonders of screen shots..

i'm no longer going to copy and paste conversations anymore! :)