Wednesday, August 22, 2007

krabs part II

yes.. i know 2 posts within an hour is a lil retarded.. especially since i've only been blogging like once a week..

but i can't help but miss krabi every now and then.. and for the benefit of the people who do not have facebook, and for myself, because having to go to jon's photos on facebook every time i want to see the his photos of krabi is driving me mad, i've decided to post more pictures of krabi! and these are the ones i like most from jon's photos.. :)

jaime and her condoms! *brows*

don't you think there's this paparazzi feel to this photo.. HA!

this stupid kitten bit my pits!



mickey mouse!

guess who!

my favourite girl with my favourite fish!

anyway i just realised i can't get a loan from the school to buy a laptop cos it's going to be my second purchase.. now i don't know whether my dad will still buy the macbook for me..

